Dr Shaista Durrani
Radiant Dental Care
Our Services:

⦿ Dental Diagnosis,
⦿ Treatment plans & various Treatment options for your needs,
-> In house
⦿ Digital RVG facilities, Root canal Treatment,
⦿ Crowns & Bridges,
⦿ Veneers,
⦿ Implants,
⦿ Scaling,
⦿ Teeth whitening,
⦿ Bleaching,
⦿ Pediatric dentistry,
⦿ Extraction and Impactions
⦿ Smile Designing
⦿ Treatment for Tempero Mandibilar Joint problems,
⦿ Splints,
⦿ Special Dentures
⦿ Smile Designing
⦿ Gum therapy
⦿ Orthodontic Treatment,
⦿ Aligners,
⦿ Invisalign,
⦿ Lingual orthodontics,
⦿ Self Ligation Brackets,
⦿ Myo-Functional Appliances for growing patients.

We are happy to provide the benefits of need based solutions for all your Dental Problems under one roof.


Mon – Sat : 10 am-2 pm. 5 pm-8 pm
Sun – On Appointment
